Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Pernahkah kau berpikir bahwa Tuhan menciptakan manusia dengan ketidaksengajaan? Layaknya anak-anak yang bermain dengan segumpal tanah liat lalu tidak sengaja membentuknya menjadi hal baru untuk dimainkan dan dipermainkan.
Ia kemudian menjadikannya tokoh utama dalam cerita yang Ia buat sendiri, menjadikannya mainan yang Ia banggakan. Namun, dengan sengaja Ia memberinya banyak derita dan siksaan pada mainan kebanggaannya itu, hanya untuk memuaskan hatinya.
Tuhan menjadikan manusia sebagai khalifah di muka bumi ini. Namun, Ia sendiri yang menjadikannya perusak bagi bumi dan makhluk lainnya.
Tuhan menganugerahi sekelompok manusia dengan kepintaran agar dapat menciptakan kebudayaan layaknya peri-peri yang menaburkan keajaiban. Tapi, Tuhan pula memberikannya sifat sombong sehingga manusia itu saling mencemooh dan menimbulkan peperangan.
Tuhan menganugerahi sekelompok manusia dengan kebijakan agar dapat memimpin dan menjadi teladan bagi makhluk lainnya layaknya para bijak yang penuh kharisma. Tapi, Tuhan pula memberikannya keegoisan sehingga kepemimpinan berubah menjadi kekuasaan dan menimbulkan peperangan di antaranya.
Tuhan menganugerahi sekelompok manusia dengan kekuatan agar dapat memelihara dan melindungi bumi ini berserta isinya layaknya raksasa-raksasa dan dewa-dewa di dalam mitos. Tapi, Tuhan pula memberikannya sifat serakah sehingga mereka saling berebut dan mencuri hak yang bukan miliknya, setelah itu timbulah peperangan.
Perbedaan yang diciptakan Tuhan begitu indah namun mawar merah akan selamanya berduri.
Apakah kau berpikir bahwa dunia ini akan tampak lebih indah jikalau peperangan dihapuskan? Apakah kau berpikir bahwa Tuhan membenci akan adanya peperangan? Pernahkah kau merasa tidak senang mendengarkan cerita tentang peperangan di masa lampau? Bagaimana jikalau dunia ini berakhir dikarenakan lenyapnya peperangan di muka bumi ini?
Apa kamu pernah berpikir kalau Tuhan itu pelit? Atau kamu pernah berpikir kalau Tuhan itu sengaja membuat kita susah?
Aku bosan harus tidur larut malam untuk mengerjakan PR-ku. Aku bosan harus terlambat bangun dan terburu-buru berangkat ke sekolah. Aku bosan harus dipermainkan oleh teman-temanku di sekolah. Aku bosan harus tiba di rumah sore hari. Aku bosan harus membantu ayah dan ibu. Aku bosan dengan omelan ibu tentang bermain video game.
Kenapa Tuhan memberi kita waktu yang sangat sedikit padahal banyak hal yang harus kita kerjakan?! Kenapa harus ada waktu?! Kenapa siang harus berganti menjadi malam?! Kenapa aku harus tumbuh dewasa?! Padahal aku ingin terus menjadi anak-anak agar aku dapat terus bermain.
Andai saja waktu berhenti berputar! Aku berharap semua orang dan kegiatannya berhenti dan biarkan aku saja yang dapat bergerak bebas dan bermain sepuasnya! Tapi, mungkinkah…

mengeluh pada waktu

Apa kamu pernah berpikir kalau Tuhan itu pelit? Atau kamu pernah berpikir kalau Tuhan itu sengaja membuat kita susah?
Aku bosan harus tidur larut malam untuk mengerjakan PR-ku. Aku bosan harus terlambat bangun dan terburu-buru berangkat ke sekolah. Aku bosan harus dipermainkan oleh teman-temanku di sekolah. Aku bosan harus tiba di rumah sore hari. Aku bosan harus membantu ayah dan ibu. Aku bosan dengan omelan ibu tentang bermain video game.
Kenapa Tuhan memberi kita waktu yang sangat sedikit padahal banyak hal yang harus kita kerjakan?! Kenapa harus ada waktu?! Kenapa siang harus berganti menjadi malam?! Kenapa aku harus tumbuh dewasa?! Padahal aku ingin terus menjadi anak-anak agar aku dapat terus bermain.
Andai saja waktu berhenti berputar! Aku berharap semua orang dan kegiatannya berhenti dan biarkan aku saja yang dapat bergerak bebas dan bermain sepuasnya! Tapi, mungkinkah…

aku adalah mawar

Pernahkah kau berpikir bahwa Tuhan menciptakan manusia dengan ketidaksengajaan? Layaknya anak-anak yang bermain dengan segumpal tanah liat lalu tidak sengaja membentuknya menjadi hal baru untuk dimainkan dan dipermainkan.
Ia kemudian menjadikannya tokoh utama dalam cerita yang Ia buat sendiri, menjadikannya mainan yang Ia banggakan. Namun, dengan sengaja Ia memberinya banyak derita dan siksaan pada mainan kebanggaannya itu, hanya untuk memuaskan hatinya.
Tuhan menjadikan manusia sebagai khalifah di muka bumi ini. Namun, Ia sendiri yang menjadikannya perusak bagi bumi dan makhluk lainnya.
Tuhan menganugerahi sekelompok manusia dengan kepintaran agar dapat menciptakan kebudayaan layaknya peri-peri yang menaburkan keajaiban. Tapi, Tuhan pula memberikannya sifat sombong sehingga manusia itu saling mencemooh dan menimbulkan peperangan.
Tuhan menganugerahi sekelompok manusia dengan kebijakan agar dapat memimpin dan menjadi teladan bagi makhluk lainnya layaknya para bijak yang penuh kharisma. Tapi, Tuhan pula memberikannya keegoisan sehingga kepemimpinan berubah menjadi kekuasaan dan menimbulkan peperangan di antaranya.
Tuhan menganugerahi sekelompok manusia dengan kekuatan agar dapat memelihara dan melindungi bumi ini berserta isinya layaknya raksasa-raksasa dan dewa-dewa di dalam mitos. Tapi, Tuhan pula memberikannya sifat serakah sehingga mereka saling berebut dan mencuri hak yang bukan miliknya, setelah itu timbulah peperangan.
Perbedaan yang diciptakan Tuhan begitu indah namun mawar merah akan selamanya berduri.
Apakah kau berpikir bahwa dunia ini akan tampak lebih indah jikalau peperangan dihapuskan? Apakah kau berpikir bahwa Tuhan membenci akan adanya peperangan? Pernahkah kau merasa tidak senang mendengarkan cerita tentang peperangan di masa lampau? Bagaimana jikalau dunia ini berakhir dikarenakan lenyapnya peperangan di muka bumi ini?

buat kamu

Terhentak asaku saat kulihat untuk pertama kalinya drama dirimu.
Kita berjalan selaras dan sejajar tapi kamu tidak tahu aku yang
ada di seberangmu.

Tak kunjung ku hentikan mata ini mengamati dirimu.
Kamu melangkah lamban dengan genangan rindu di matamu,
rindu untuk dia, bukan aku. Beberapa kali bibir manismu mengucap,
dari kejauhan aku hanya dapat menerka-nerka.

Tapi aku yakin itu adalah sebuah nama,
ya, pasti kamu sebut namanya.
Dia yang amat kamu rindukan,
dia yang amat kamu cintai,
dia hasratmu selama ini,
dan kamu jadikan aku pelampiasan akan dirinya.
Apa kamu pernah seperti ini sebelumnya untuk diriku?
Aku cemburu tapi apa pedulimu.

Aku bingung apa yang harus aku tanggapi dengan semua kisah yang kamu berikan padaku.
Aku senang karena kamu masih membutuhkan aku.
Walau mungkin kamu terpaksa karena tidak ada lagi orang lain yang dapat mengerti dirimu sebaik diriku, itu alasanmu.
Tetap saja aku senang karena aku menjadi pelabuhanmu saat kamu ingin menangis.

Walau hatiku harus tersayat-sayat karena tangismu adalah untuk dia,
bukan aku.
Apa yang bisa aku katakan sekarang dan mungkin hingga kisah ini berakhir adalah betapa aku mencintai kamu,
aku sayang kamu, bahuku akan selalu ada untukmu saat kamu merasa lelah saat kamu butuh berlabuh dan melepas rindu untuk dia yang kamu cintai.

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

To Love You More

Take me back in the arms I love
Need me like you did before
Touch me once again
And remember when
There was no one that you wanted more

Dont go you know you will break my heart
She wont love you like I will
Im the one wholl stay
When she walks away
And you know Ill be standing here still

ill be waiting for you
Here inside my heart
Im the one who wants to love you more
You will see I can give you
Everything you need
Let me be the one to love you more

See me as if you never knew
Hold me so you cant let go
Just believe in me
I will make you see
All the things that your heart needs to know

ill be waiting for you
Here inside my heart
Im the one who wants to love you more
You will see I can give you
Everything you need
Let me be the one to love you more

And some way all the love that we had can be saved
Whatever it takes well find a way

ill be waiting for you
Here inside my heart
Im the one who wants to love you more
You will see I can give you
Everything you need
Let me be the one to love you more


Sepertinya memang tidak mungkin, mungkinkah dalam sekejap dua insan yang berbeda baik fisik dan pikiran dapat bersatu dan bergandengan tangan?! Namun, kharisma seorang suci dapat meluluhkan setiap dendam yang tak berarti. Dan merupakan suatu adat, bahwa membantah perkataan seorang Guru adalah seperti memberikan kutukan hidup dan mati pada diri sendiri.
Aku orang itu. Aku telah mengutuk diriku sendiri. Kau ingat, sayang?! Apa kau pikir aku senang melakukan ini semua? Apa kau pikir aku suka dengan rasa sakit? Tidak, sayang! Aku tidak benar-benar gila. Aku hanya ingin menunjukkan sesuatu padamu. Tapi, aku masih belum yakin apa itu. Apa ini layak disebut cinta atau hanya ego?
Mereka mengatakan kepadaku tentang batas tipis antara cinta dan benci. Aku pun bertanya-tanya tentang apakah itu? Lalu, aku teringat akan Engkau. Dia Yang Maha Pengasih. Tuhan adalah kasih. Selama ini aku selalu menggunakan kata cinta bukan kasih. Aku pun tersadar. Batas tipis itu adalah kasih.
Kasih ada di antara cinta dan benci. Kasih ada di antara hidup dan mati. Kasih adalah sebuah batas. Ehm, bukan! Lebih tepatnya kasih adalah esensi dari segala subtansi. Aku teramat mencintaimu. Aku sangat membencimu. Kedua rasa ini adalah benar bukan sebuah dilema. Namun, kebenaran yang hakiki adalah rasa yang disebut kasih.
Saat kau mencintai seseorang kau akan sangat mempedulikannya. Hal sekecil apapun darinya akan sangat berarti bagimu. Begitu pun saat kau membenci seseorang kau tidak sadar bahwa kau sedang mempedulikannya. Hal sekecil apapun darinya teramat mengganggu bagimu. Kepedulian itu disebabkan oleh kasih. Benih kecil yang bersemayam dalam setiap rasa.
Akan tetapi, aku tidak yakin apa aku mengasihimu, sayang! Kasih adalah pelepasan bukan keterikatan, tentu ini yang membedakannya dengan cinta. Dan hingga detik ini aku masih belum bisa melupakanmu, sayang! Terlebih lagi kini aku hidup beserta kutukanku. Ini tidak mudah, sayang! Jangan salah paham! Sungguh, aku tidak menyalahkanmu! Semua ini mutlak masalahku.
Entahlah! Saat ini ingin sekali aku menyelinap di kala tidurmu, menyisir halus kulit putihmu, dan menumpahkan hasratku padamu. Aku ingin bercumbu denganmu sekali lagi, dan aku sebut ini cinta. Apa ini salah? Dan di sisi lain, aku ingin sekali mencekikmu saat kau lengah, meneriakkan rasa pedihku di telingamu, dan kuhisap habis darahmu. Aku ingin membalas dendamku, dan inilah kebencian. Ya, aku tahu, keduanya adalah salah!
Inilah aku yang terkutuk karena terlalu lama aku melupakan kata sang Guru. Tapi, kisah tak kunjung lelah memperingatkan aku tentang kasih. Aku memang binatang jalang, aku lebih busuk daripada sampah. Tapi, ada kasih dalam hatiku. Itu yang kusebut kehangatan dalam kebekuan. Layaknya iglo yang terbuat dari es, kau akan merasa hangat saat berada di dalamnya. Setiap insan akan selalu berbeda baik fisik dan pikiran tapi operating system-nya tetap sama yaitu kasih. Bolehkah aku berpikir kembali tentang kemungkinan? Mungkin kita masih dapat bersatu dan bergandengan tangan, sayang!
Akan tetapi, aku tidak ingin mencintaimu lagi, atau membencimu lagi. Aku hanya ingin mempedulikanmu atas nama kasih. Jalan kebenaran itu adalah kasih. Esensi dari segala subtansi. Aku mengasihimu, sayang

Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

give me Novacaine

Take away the sensation inside
Bitter sweet migraine in my head
Its like a throbbing toothache of the mind
I can't take this feeling anymore

Drain the pressure from the swelling,
This sensation's overwhelming,
Give me a long kiss goodnight
and everything will be alright
Tell me that I won't feel a thing
So give me Novacaine

Out of body and out of mind
Kiss the demons out of my dreams
I get the funny feeling, that's alright
Jimmy says its better than air,
I'll tell you what

Drain the pressure from the swelling,
This sensation's overwhelming,
Give me a long kiss goodnight
and everything will be alright
Tell me that I won't feel a thing,
So give me Novacaine

ho novacaine

Drain the pressure from the swelling,
This sensation's overwhelming
Give me a long kiss goodnight
and everything will be alright
Tell me Jimmy I won't feel a thing,
So give me Novacaine

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

Friends, lovers, or nothing

Now that we are over
As the loving kind
We'll be dreaming ways
To keep the good alive

Only when we want is not
A compromise
Ill be pouring tears
Into your drying eyes

Friends, lovers, or nothing
There can only be one
Friends, lovers, or nothing
We'll never be the inbetween
So give it up

You whisper "Come on over"
Cause your two drinks in
But in the morning I will say
Good-bye again

Think we'll never fall into
The jealous game
The streets will flood
With blood of those who felt the same

Friends, lovers, or nothing
You see
There can only be one
Friends, lovers, or nothing
We'll never an inbetween
So give it up

Friends, lovers, or nothing
We can really only ever be one
Friends, lovers, or nothing
Don't you know
We'll never be the inbetween
So give it up

No we'll never the inbetween
So give it up

Ruled by Secrecy by Muse

Repress and restrain
Steal the pressure and the pain
Wash the blood off your hands
This time she won't understand

Change in the air
They'll hide everywhere
No one knows who's in control

You're working so hard
And you're never in charge
Your death creates success
Rebuild and suppress

Change in the air
And they'll hide everywhere
And no one knows who's in control

Change in the air
And they'll hide everywhere
No one knows who's in control

I tremble for you, love, always

Twilight Soundtrack
Tremble For My Beloved by Collective Soul

The hour has begun
Your eyes have now opened

To a world where madness craves
To a world where hope's enslaved
Oh, I'll tremble for my love always

Your windows, opened wide
Your innocence takes flight

To a world where madness craves
To a world where hope's enslaved
Oh, I'll tremble for my love always

It's a world where madness craves
It's a world where hope's enslaved
Oh, I tremble for my love always

It's a world where madness craves
It's a world where hope's enslaved
Yeah, I tremble for you, love, always

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

love song

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again

However far away I will always love you
However long I stay I will always love you
Whatever words I say I will always love you
I will always love you

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again

However far away I will always love you
However long I stay I will always love you
Whatever words I say I will always love you
I will always love you

love song

Head under water
And they tell me to breathe easy for a while
The breathing gets harder, even I know that
You made room for me but it's too soon to see
If I'm happy in your hands

I'm unusually hard to hold on to
Blank stares at blank pages
No easy way to say this
You mean well, but you make this hard on me
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see

I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's
Make or breaking this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If all you have is leaving I'm gonna need a better
Reason to write you a love song today

I learned the hard way
That they all say things you want to hear
And my heavy heart sinks deep down under you and
Your twisted words,
Your help just hurts
You are not what I thought you were
Hello to high and dry
Convinced me to please you
Made me think that I need this too
I'm trying to let you hear me as I am

I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's
Make or breaking this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If all you have is leaving I'm gonna need a better
Reason to write you a love song today

Promise me that you'll leave the light on
To help me see with daylight, my guide, gone
'cause I believe there's a way you can love me
Because I say
I won't write you a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see

I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's make or breaking this
Is that why you wanted a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's make or breaking this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If your heart is nowhere in it
I don't want it for a minute
Babe, I'll walk the seven seas when I believe that
There's a reason to
Write you a love song today

This is your life are you who you want to be

Yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead
Yesterday is a promise that youve broken
Dont close your eyes, dont close your eyes
This is your life and today is all youve got now
Yeah, and today is all youll ever have
Dont close your eyes
Dont close your eyes

This is your life, are you who you want to be
This is your life, are you who you want to be
This is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be
When the world was younger and you had everything to lose

Yesterday is a kid in the corner
Yesterday is dead and over

This is your life, are you who you want to be
This is your life, are you who you want to be
This is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be
When the world was younger and you had everything to lose

Dont close your eyes
Dont close your eyes
Dont close your eyes
Dont close your eyes

This is your life are you who you want to be
This is your life are you who you want to be

This is your life, are you who you want to be
This is your life, are you who you want to be
This is your life, is it everything you dreamed it would be
When the world was younger and you had everything to lose

And you had everything to lose


Something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long.
No matter what I say or do, I still feel you here 'till the moment I'm gone.

You hold me without touch.
You keep me without chains.
I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love and not feel your rain.

Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity.
Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be.
But you're on to me and all over me.

You loved me 'cause I'm fragile.
When I thought that I was strong.
But you touch me for a little while and all my fragile strength is gone.

Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity.
Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be.
But you're on to me and all over me.

I live here on my knees as I
Try to make you see that you're
Everything I think I need here on the ground.
But you're neither friend nor foe though I
Can't seem to let you go.
The one thing that I still know is that you're keeping me down
You're keeping me down, yeah, yeah, yeah
You're onto me, onto me and all over

Something always brings me back to you
It never takes too long

please forgive me

Please forgive me
If I act alittle strange
For I know not what I do.
Feels like lightning running through my veins
Everytime I look at you
Everytime I look at you

Help me out here
All my words are falling short
And theres so much I want to say
Want to tell you just how good it feels
When you look at me that way
When you look at me that way

Throw a stone and watch the ripples flow
Moving out across the bay
Like a stone I fall into your eyes
Deep into some mystery
Deep into that mystery

I got half a mind to scream out loud
I got half a mind to die
So I wont ever have to lose you girl
Wont ever have to say goodbye
I wont ever have to lie
Wont ever have to say goodbye

Yeah na na na na
Yeah na na na na

Please forgive me
If I act alittle strange
For I know not what I do
Its like my head is filled with lightning girl
Everytime I look at you
Everytime I look at you
Everytime I look at you
Everytime I look at you

i do not own

Kiss the Rain

Can you hear me
Am I getting through to you

Is it late there
Is there laughter on the line
Are you sure youre there alone
Cuz im
Trying to explain
Somethings wrong
You just dont sound the same

Why dont you
Why dont you
Go outside
Go outside

Kiss the rain
Whenever you need me
Kiss the rain
Whenever Im gone too long
If your lips feel lonely and thirsty
Kiss the rain
And wait for the dawn
Keep in mind
Were under the same sky
And the nights
As empty for me as for you
If you feel
You cant wait till morning
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain

Do you miss me
I hear you say you do
But not the way Im missing you

Whats new
Hows the weather
Is it stormy where you are
You sound so close but it feels like youre so far
Oh would it mean anything
If you knew
What Im left imagining
In my mind
My mind
Would you go
Would you go

Kiss the rain

As you fall
Over me
Think of me
Think of me
Think of me
Only me
Kiss the rain
Whenever you need me
Kiss the rain
Whenever Im gone too long
If your lips
Feel hungry and tempted
Kiss the rain
And wait for the dawn
Keep in mind
Were under the same sky
And the nights
As empty for me as for you
If you feel you cant wait till morning
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain

(kiss the rain)
(kiss the rain)
(kiss the rain)

Can you hear me
Can you hear me
Can you hear me

Senin, 23 Juli 2012

i found a boy

Adele - 21 - I Found A Boy (2011)

I thought I told you, he'd be home soon
Couldn't help myself, you're too good to be true!
I fall short each time,
Every time he ain't here,
You and your charm creep closer in here,
Like a fool for fire I fall, with my pride and all!
Like a bomb before explosion,
Ticking by your call.
You're the wiser one, disguised from greed,
And I'm just a child who belongs on her knees.

But I found a boy who I love more,
Than I ever did you before,
So stand beside the river I cried,
And let yourself down!
Look how you want me now that I don't need you!
So, you thought that I would crumble to my knees
At the first sight of you, crawling back to me
To whisper 'will you leave your man?'
Cause you sweared that this time you can stand by me. I won't stand by you!

Cause I found a boy who I love more,
Than I ever did you before,
So stand beside the river I cried
And let yourself down!
Look how you want me now that I don't need you!
I ain't yours for no taking,
You must be mistaken
I could never look in your eyes, and settle for wrong
And ignore the right

Well I found a boy who loves me more,
Than you ever did before.
So stand beside the river you'll cry
And let yourself down!
Look how you want me now that I don't need you

Selasa, 10 Juli 2012


Ada seorang tua bijak didatangi seorang pemuda yg sedang dirundung masalah.

Tanpa membuang waktu pemuda itu langsung menceritakan smua masalahnya.

Pak tua bijak hanya mendengarkan dgn seksama,
lalu ia mengambil segenggam serbuk pahit & meminta anak muda itu u/ mengambil segelas air.

Ditaburkannya serbuk pahit itu ke dalam gelas & di aduk perlahan,

"Coba minum ini & katakan bagaimana rasanya?" ujar pak tua

"Pahit sekali" jawab pemuda

Pak tua itu tersenyum,
mengajak pemuda itu u/ berjalan ke tepi telaga belakang rumahnya.

Mereka berjalan berdampingan & akhirnya sampai ke tepi telaga yg tenang itu.

Sesampai disana,

Pak tua itu kembali menaburkan serbuk pahit ke telaga itu & dgn sepotong kayu ia mengaduknya,

"Coba ambil air dr telaga ini & minumlah"

Saat si pemuda mereguk air itu, Pak tua bertanya lagi,
"Bagaimana rasanya?"

"Segar" sahut si Pemuda

"Apakah kamu merasakan pahit di dalam air itu?" tanya pak tua

"Tidak" sahut Pemuda

Pak tua tertawa terbahak² sambil berkata

"Anak muda...

Dengarkan baik²,

Pahitnya kehidupan sama seperti segenggam serbuk pahit ini, tak lebih tak kurang.
Jumlah & rasa pahitnyapun sama & memang akan tetap sama.
Tapi kepahitan yg kita rasakan sangat tergantung dari wadah yg kita miliki.
Kepahitan itu akan didasarkan dari perasaan tempat kita meletakkannya.

Jadi saat Anda merasakan kepahitan & kegagalan dalam hidup,
Hanya ada satu yg Anda dapat lakukan:
Lapangkanlah dadamu menerima semuanya itu,
Luaskanlah hatimu u/ menampung setiap kepahitan itu"

Pesan Moral :

Hatimu adalah wadah itu.
Perasaanmu adalah tempat itu.
Kalbumu adalah tempat kamu menampung segalanya.

"Jangan jadikan hatimu seperti gelas,
buatlah laksana telaga yg mampu menampung setiap kepahitan itu,
& merubahnya menjadi kesegaran & kedamaian."
Biarkan Manusia menyakiti,mereka bs Berpura2 , hati manusia bs menyimpAn 1001 macam niat Baik, atupun Jahat.. Namun.. Terimalah dgn Iklas krn TuhAn akan melindungi engkau dr segala perbuatan dan Niat jahat manusia terhadapmu.. Dan mengembalikan kepadA mereka ....
*Jagalah hatimu dgn segala kewaspadaan, krn dari situlah terpancar kehidupan (Amsal 4:23).*
God Bless U.



I gotta take a little time
A little time to think things over
I better read between the lines
In case I need it when I'm older
Aaaah woah-ah-aah

Now this mountain I must climb
Feels like a world upon my shoulders
And through the clouds I see love shine
It keeps me warm as life grows colder

In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far
To change this lonely life

I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me
I wanna feel what love is
I know you can show me
Aaaah woah-oh-ooh

I'm gonna take a little time
A little time to look around me
I've got nowhere left to hide
It looks like love has finally found me

In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
I can't stop now, I've traveled so far
To change this lonely life

I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me
I wanna feel what love is
I know you can show me

I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me
(And I wanna feel) I want to feel what love is
(And I know) I know you can show me

(Let's talk about love)
I wanna know what love is (the love that you feel inside)
I want you to show me (I'm feeling so much love)
I wanna feel what love is (no, you just cannot hide)
I know you can show me (yeah, woah-oh-ooh)

I wanna know what love is (let's talk about love)
I want you to show me (I wanna feel it too)
I wanna feel what love is (I wanna feel it too)
(And I know, and I know) I know you can show me
(Show me what is real, woah, yeah I know)

I wanna know what love is (hey I wanna know what love)
I want you to show me (I wanna know, I wanna know, want know)
I wanna feel what love is (hey I wanna feel, love)
I know you can show me (yeah)

Senin, 09 Juli 2012

i wish it would rain down


You know I never meant to see you again
and I only passed by as a friend
All this time I stayed out of sight
I started wondering why

Now I, I wish it would rain down, down on me
Yes I wish it would rain, rain down on me now

You said you didn't need me in your life
I guess you were right
Well I never meant to cause you no pain
But it looks like I did it again

Now I, I wish ....

Though your hurt is gone, mines hanging on, inside
And I know it's eating me through every night and day
I'm just waiting on your sign

'Cos I know, I know I never meant to cause you no pain
And I realize I let you down
But I know in my heart of heart of hearts
I know I'm never gonna hold you again

Jumat, 06 Juli 2012


Salah satu isi kitab injil Barnaba (Barnabas) pasal 39 ayat 14-17 sebelum Al Qu'ran turun yg melengkapi semua kitab2 suci yg ada : Dan ketika Adam telah berdiri diatas kedua kakinya,ia melihat di angkasa sebuah tulisan yg bersinar seperti matahari : Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah,Muhamad yg terpuji Rosul Allah" maka ketika itu Adam membuka mulutnya berkata : aku bersukur kpdmu wahai Allah tuhanku,karena engkau telah bermurah dengan menciptakan daku.akan tetapi aku bermohon kpdmu utk memberitahukan aku, apakah arti kalimat ini "Muhammad rosul Allah" maka Allah menjawab : sejahtera bagimu wahai hambaku Adam" dan aku berfirman kpdmu bahwa engkau adalah manusia pertama yg aku ciptakan.dan yg engkau lihat itu adalah anakmu yg akan datang kebumi setelah ber thn2 dari masa kini.dan ia akan Rosul-ku yg karenanya aku ciptakan segala sesuatu,yg apabila tiba,ia akan menyinari dunia,yg nyawanya telah ditempatkan pd suatu keindahan dilangit,60 rb thn sebelum aku menciptakan sesuatupun". (Kitab injil ini termasuk wahyu dari Allah bagian dari perjanjian lama yg dimusnahkan kaum Yahudi agar semua umat dimuka bumi terpecah belah percaya dengan adanya tuhan2 lain bahkan cilakanya lagi ada anak tuhan dll) ini se mata2 utk mempertebal keimanan umat Muslim,bahwa tentang Nabi muhammad & Islam sejak Adam diciptakan sudah diketahui ({}) O:)

Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

I Just Wanna Spend My Life With You

I Just Wanna Spend My Life With You

Like a dream you can't explain
Love can chase the bidding of your heart
Like the sunshine in the rain
Love can make your whole world fall apart
But i want it now
I just wanna spend my life with you
Time will show me how
Suddenly everything has turned me inside out
Suddenly loves the thing that I can't live without

You're my dream, my love, my life,
I just wanna spend my lfe with you
You're the one who makes me smile
I just wanna spend my life with you
Gotta love somehow
I just wanna spend my life with you
You can show me how
Suddenly everything has turned me inside out
Suddenly loves the thing that I can't live without

You're my dream my love, my life,
I just wanna spend my life with you
You're the one who makes me smile
I just wanna spend my lfe with you.

What have you done to me
Is this how it's meant to be?
Can't control this feeling in my heart
I can see paradise
Glowing inside your eyes
And I know you feel it in your heart
But I want it now
I just wanna spend my life with you
Time will show me how
Suddenly everything has turned me inside out
Suddenly loves the thing that I can't live without

You're my dream, my love, my life,
I just wanna spend my life with you
You're the one who makes me smile
I just wanna spend my life with you

Oh... Love is a crazy thing
Something that you wanna see
And the worlds like deep inside your soul
When somebody comes along
Together you sing this song
You just let the music take control
And I want it now
I just wanna spend my life with you
Time will show me how
Suddenly everything has turned me inside out
Suddenly loves a thing that I can't live without

You're my dream, my love, my life,
I just wanna spend my life with you
You're the one who makes me smile
I just wanna spend my life with you...

Take me to your heart

Hiding from the rain and snow
Trying to forget but I won't let go
Looking at a crowded street
Listening to my own heart beat
So many people all around the world
Tell me where do I find someone like you gir
Take me to your heart
Take me to your soul
Give me your hand before I'm old
Show me what love is
Haven't got a clue
Show me that wonders can be true
They say nothing lasts forever
We're only here today
Love is now or never
Bring me far away
Take me to your heart
Take me to your soul
Give me your hand and hold me
Show me what love is
Be my guiding star
It's easy
Take me to your heart
Standing on a mountain high
Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky
I should go and see some friends
But they don't really comprehend
Don't need too much talking
Without saying anything
All I need is someone
Who makes me want to sing
Take me to your heart
Take me to your soul
Give me your hand before I'm old
Show me what love is
Haven't got a clue
Show me that wonders can be true
They say nothing lasts forever
We're only here today
Love is now or never
Bring me far away
Take me to your heart
Take me to your soul
Give me your hand and hold me
Show me what love is
Be my guiding star
It's easy
Take me to your heart
Take me to your heart
Take me to your soul
Give me your hand and hold me
Show me what love is
Be my guiding star
It's easy
Take me to your heart

Love to be loved by you

Love to be loved by you

I can't believe I'm standing here
Been waiting for so many years and
Today I found the Queen to reign my heart
You changed my live so patiently
And turned it into something good and real
I feel just like I felt in all my dreams
There are questions hard to answer
Can't you see...

Baby, tell me how can I tell you
That I love you more than life
Show me how can I show you
That I'm blinded by your light
When you touch me I can touch you
To find out the dream is true
I love to be loved by you

You're looking kind of scared right now
You're waiting for the wedding vows
But I don't know if my tongue's able to talk
Your beauty is just blinding me
Like sunbeams on a summer stream and
I gotta close my eyes to protect me
Can you take my hand and lead me
From here please yeah...yeah...

Baby, tell me how can I tell you
That I love you more than life
Show me how can I show you
That I'm blinded by your light
When you touch me I can touch you
To find out the dream is true
I love to be loved, I need to be loved
I love to be loved by you

I know they gonna say our love's not strong enough to last forever
And I know they gonna say that we'll give up because of heavy weather
But how can they understand that our love is just heaven sent
We keep on going on and on cause this is where we both belong...

Baby, tell me how can I tell you
That I love you more than life
Show me how can I show you
That I'm blinded by your light
When you touch me I can touch you
To find out the dream is true
I love to be loved, I need yes I need to be loved
I love to be loved by you

Yes I love to be loved by you