Senin, 23 Desember 2013

How I Started Making Money With My Recording Studio

I was recently asked how I started making money with my recording studio. To be honest, I must first say “WHAT MONEY????”. Recording is one of those crafts where you never have enough toys. It’s very very easy to get sucked into the idea you need this and need that indefinitely. Michael Wagener was always going on about how he wanted this mic or that preamp even though he had more mics and preamps than is morally acceptable. Of course, as home recorders, we are trying to work our way up to the big boys and a part of that eventually entails big boys toys in one way or another.
With that said, it’s nice to have bands paying for your gear addiction. So, maybe I should have named this article “How I Conned Bands Into Buying My Gear” because that’s about the extent of it. Would I be writing this article if my studio made more money than I can stand? Maybe. Maybe not. So just keep in mind that it’s still very tough to make a real living as a recording studio guy. If your name has been on platinum records, you can get buy charging a small fortune to record an album. I know people who consistently snag $40,000 per album and the results are good, not mind blowing. I’ve heard guys who record in their bedroom crank out mindblowing stuff and don’t record for money at all.
Getting Started With Recording For Dollars
First of all, I jumped into this dumb recording thing back in 2001. That was a different time. The idea of computers for recording was accepted, but it was a tiny minority actually doing it. You certainly didn’t have 4% of all computers coming stock from the factory with Garageband back then. Back then, you couldn’t snag a Presonus Firepod for $400. Audio interfaces typically came with 1/4” analog inputs and that was it even though these audio interfaces were usually $600 and up. I dumped $2200 into a pair of M-Audio Delta 1010s and a Mackie 1604 so that I could record 16 simultaneous tracks. You can do that now for about $600, give or take.
So back then the price for admission was quite a bit more expensive and by default less people were doing it. I really got in on the “home studio asshole” revolution from the ground floor. I say “home studio asshole” because that is what the local studio owner with his ADATs and $10k Soundcraft mixer was calling me. He was upset because the milkman was on the way out and he just happened to be in the liquid calcium business. I’d be upset too if I had bought a studio with bad sounding rooms, poor monitoring, and gear that cost a fortune but didn’t sound that good.
The first thing I did after figuring out how to use my gear was record for free. I probably recorded 5-10 albums for nothing. It was a great learning experience. I busted by tail on those. I really put the time in and learned things the hard way. A real expert dude could have saved me a year or two in about 3 days. Oh well!
It wasn’t difficult to recruit bands to record for free. I went to a battle of the bands contest, started talking to bands, passed out some business cards, and it wasn’t long before I was getting calls. Of course, word of mouth spread. People were happy with my work for the price I was charging. Somewhere in there, I started charging $50 per day. I’d put in a 15 hour day for $50. Again this was just part of the learning process. Then I went to $100 days. Then on upward from there.
Marketing Strategy
I have to say that word of mouth has been about 98% of my business. I think too many people have been burned by local studios to go with a stranger. They need someone they trust to record their music. I’m of the opinion that newspaper ads simply don’t do that much for attracting passionate musicians. I’m sure a person could stay fairly busy recording karaoke projects from newspaper ads. This is something I’ve considered doing over the years, but have never really tried for that market. The best way to stay busy as a recording studio dude is by making the client happy. Your clients will pass the word on.
My website certainly helped out a ton. 99% of my “leads” come from emails. I think it is a very good idea to have a website to let potential clients check out your work, see the bands you’ve recorded before, and things of that sort. A simple WordPress blog is more than adequate. (If you need any help with web stuff, don’t be shy about asking. Web work is what really pays my bills.)
There was a local music forum that really took off not long after I started recording. I stayed very active on the forum. I was always looking to talk to new people and get my name out there. I think this helped tremendously in getting my name out to a large audience in a very short period of time. It was more an issue of “when” local musicians were going to record with me than “who” I am. Staying active in the local community is a big part of the local studio thing.
Making Money Is Harder Now
These days, more and more people are attempting to record themselves with Garageband, Cubase, etc. In most cases, these bands aren’t interested in dedicating their life to audio engineering. Most are musicians and want to stay that way. So I haven’t heard too many local bands who recorded themselves that have impressed me. As bands get more serious, they get more likely to call me. However, it needs to be said that it was easier back in the day when home recordings were mostly limited to 4-track tapes.
If You Want To Make Money….Starve!
If you are serious about making a living as a recording dude, the best way is to have some big records under your belt. The best way to achieve this is not through recording school, but by assisting a big producer. A big producer can share a vast amount of knowledge with you. A big producer has huge contacts which allow you to buddy up with other big boys. You get the idea. The big producer is the path to take if you want to be on the fast track.
If you don’t have big records under you belt, you need some big sounding records with your name on them. It needs to be said that a great sounding recording is not nearly as good as having the same quality recordings with a famous band’s name on it. It’s more important to say “ I have recorded 3 Doors Down” than it is to say “My recordings sound better than 3 Doors Down”. However, if your recordings sound nowhere close to the big boys, there really isn’t much reason for people to pay you. When the reasons are low, the price is low and the income is low. You get the idea.
So if you are going to teach yourself how to make killer recordings, you need to get busy! Wannabe audio engineers are a dime a dozen. A dime also happens to be the average band’s budget! So get in now and record, record, record until you puke, puke, puke. Get in there and become a hermit. Give up on you friends, family, and any other concept of a social life you have. Dig in and learn how to record music well.
There is no rocket science to promoting a recording studio. The work will speak for itself, so once you get the ball rolling, you should continue to get phone calls and emails. You can get creative to get the work out, but everything revolves around the studio’s ability to make the client happy. Terrible studios with great marketing efforts don’t last long.
You have you work cut out for you these days. There are less people who rely on a third party for recording than ever before. I guess it’s possible that there are more musicians now than ever before, but that is just a guess. There are way too many other guys out there with Presonus Firepods or RME Firefaces in their basements to be able to make any real money simply capturing sound. You’ve got to bring more to the table. It’s time to get busy recording, NOW!

Selasa, 26 November 2013

                                                              Terkadang kurasakan
 Beratnya kehidupan ini 
Ada kalanya tak sanggup lagi
 Hadapi persoalan yang terjadi
 Namun kutahu Tuhanku sanggup 
Menolong hidupku 
Jangan pernah berhenti harap padaNya
 Sekalipun hilang semua harapanmu
 Tetaplah percaya 
(Dalam hatiku kutetap harap padaMu)
 Tuhan mengasihimu 
Tak pernah Dia biarkan kau sendiri
 Percayalah saatnya pastikan tiba
 Dia menolongmu-pulihkanmu

Jumat, 20 September 2013

letter for my kids

Hices and decisions,
guiding your life down the path you desire.
For the first part of your life, allow your father and I to guide you 
and be responsible for you 
and make choices for you.You are going to fight us for your freedom 
and as long as we trust you,
you’ll have enough freedom to be who you are.
We will embrace the person you grow into, 
because you come from us, and more importantly, 
I want you to embrace who you are. 
Your fears and failures, hopes and dreams, 
every flaw and every good thing that makes up the heart that shines inside of you. 
You will always be our child, 
and we will be the two people in your life
you can always lean on and come to 
when you are at you lowest point no matter what. 
Remember to only make promises you can keep, 
see the good in people but don’t be too surprised
when they only show you the bad. 
I promise you, 
you will never fight a battle alone.
With every ounce of my love, Mom
Terkadang kurasakan
 Beratnya kehidupan ini 
Ada kalanya tak sanggup lagi
 Hadapi persoalan yang terjadi
 Namun kutahu Tuhanku sanggup 
Menolong hidupku 
Jangan pernah berhenti harap padaNya
 Sekalipun hilang semua harapanmu
 Tetaplah percaya 
(Dalam hatiku kutetap harap padaMu)
 Tuhan mengasihimu 
Tak pernah Dia biarkan kau sendiri
 Percayalah saatnya pastikan tiba
 Dia menolongmu-pulihkanmu


Kadang Tuhan izinkan
Sgala beban persoalan
Agar kita melihat
Kasih NYA yang nyata

Hatiku percaya hanya engkau
Harapanku saat tiada jalan
Dan saatnya kunantikan
Kau bekerja indah pada waktunya

Kamis, 05 September 2013

Home : News : Studio 9 Hidupkan Kembali Format Analog Dalam Rekaman
   Studio 9 Hidupkan Kembali Format Analog Dalam Rekaman 
Posted on : 2013-07-23

Proses rekaman dalam format analog yang telah lama ditinggalkan oleh studio-studio di Indonesia kini mulai ‘bangun’ dari mati surinya. Adalah Studio 9 yang dimotori oleh Ivan S. Ambri memulai pergerakan untuk berproduksi kembali secara analog. Sebuah misi yang cukup menantang mengingat banyak faktor yang harus dibenahi setelah studio ini bangkit kembali dari hibernasi selama 8 tahun.

Studer A80 24 track tape machine 
Tetapi, tak ada halangan yang berarti bagi studio yang pertama kali beroperasi tahun 1981 ini. Untuk urusan tape machine, Mas Ivan sengaja ‘menculik’ bapaknya tape machine Studer Indonesia, Pak Clemens Angkadiredja atau yang biasa dipanggil Clem. Banyak hal yang harus dibenahi tapi pada akhirnya tape machine pun dapat menjalankan tugasnya. Pada saat kami berkunjung ke sana, sedang dilakukan persiapan rekaman drum ‘DeadSquad’ sebuah band Death Metal dari Jakarta.

Pak Clemens Angkadiredja

Deretan preamp dahsyat dari Big Knob Audio. (atas:Rupert Neve 5024,Chandler Germanium,API 3124+,Phoenix DRS-8) 
Dalam sesi kali ini kami ikut mendukung pergerakan yang dilakukan Studio 9 dengan beberapa preamp pilihan di antaranya Phoenix DRS-8, Rupert Neve 5024, API 3124+, dan Chandler Germanium. Selain itu ada juga beberapa microphone Heil, Mojave, dan AEA yang digunakan dalam sesi rekaman. Sedikit bocoran, selain DeadSquad ada juga Zi Factor, Barry Likumahua Project, ADA Band, serta Dewa Budjana yang sudah tertarik untuk mendukung pergerakan ini. Pastinya sangat menarik untuk mendengarkan hasilnya nanti ketika dirilis. Viva la Resolucion! -ryr
Video 'behind the scene' Deadsquad di Studio 9

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Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

How to Tell if My Boyfriend is Missing Me?

There are times in a relationship when a couple needs to move away from each other physically. It might be because of circumstances such a job change or may be because of a temporary breakup after an argument. As a girl, when you miss a guy it is quite common to wonder if he misses you just the same. 

May be you parted ways after an argument and now you want to know if he misses you or may be you just moved away from each other physically because of an unavoidable circumstance, but your relationship is still intact and you still want to know that he misses you. 

The problem is that men are not very expressive of their emotions because they think it’s not manly to sound needy or desperate. So even if he is missing you he may not be blatant about communicating this.

How to Know a Guy Misses Me?

Girls often ask - how to tell if he misses me, especially when they get confusing signals. So what are the signs that he misses you? That’s what this article is about.

You Can Feel It In His Voice

When a man says he misses you, it is obvious that he does based on the tone of his voice. Most men have an unconscious transparency to their nature so what’s in their heart will reflect in the tone of their voice. There’s usually a mellowness that indicates the hollow in his heart because he misses his beloved.

He Talks Less While Calling

If he is missing you he is bound to feel the distance even more when he talks to you over a call because it will only remind him of the distance. It’s quite natural for guys to talk less when they feel a lot of emotion. So if you notice your man talking less when you are away it could well indicate that he is missing you. Of-course talking less could also mean that he is not interested in having a talk, so it’s really important to judge the tone of his voice before you take this as a sign that he misses you.

He Suddenly Messages Or Calls You At Odd Times

Guys are very impulsive when it comes to dealing with emotions. If his mind rushes in with a flood of memories about the times you were together, he is bound to take some action in response to this emotion – he might message you or call you on this impulse. If you get a message in your mobile late in the night saying “miss you” – it would mean that he is either sleepless because of the separation or he just woke up dreaming about you. A definite sign that he misses you.

He Gets Very Emotional While Talking To You

Men are very wary about exposing their intimate feelings. So if he is feeling lonely, because he is missing you, he will shy away from saying it directly. But if you talk with some softness, and he sees that you are not being cold, he will take the chance of opening up to you. Men do cry but it’s usually when the feeling goes beyond the threshold of their tolerance. So if he breaks down while talking to you know that he is really missing you.

He Talks About The Old Times

If he brings up the old memories of the two of you being together, while talking to you, it means that he is running these thoughts in his own mind. He might be trying to gauge if these memories have the same effect on you, to see if you are missing him as well. It does show that he is missing you and thinking about you.

He’s Counting The Days To Meet You

If you are away from each other because of some unavoidable circumstance, you will know that he is missing you by the inferences he makes about the number of days left before you can meet up again. He might even talk about the things he plans on doing with you when the two of you meet up. How to know a man misses me? Just see how desperate he is to get you back in his arms. 

Don’t always wait for your boyfriend to say directly that he misses you, some guys may never do that because of their male ego or conditioning in manliness. When he shows a sign that he misses you, just call him up on it. Sometimes this lack of understanding can lead to the parting away of a couple who still love each other. 

Senin, 24 Juni 2013


Sometimes I lay Under the moon And thank God I'm breathing

Then I pray Don't take me soon

'Cause I am here for a reason
 Sometimes in my tears I drown
 But I never let it get me down
 So when negativity surrounds I know
 some day it'll all turn around because... 
All my life I've been waiting
 for I've been praying for
 For the people to say 
That we don't wanna fight no more
 There will be no more wars 
And our children will play One day [x6] 
It's not about Win or lose
 Because we all lose 
When they feed on the souls of the innocent 
Blood-drenched pavement 
Keep on moving though the waters stay raging
 In this maze you can lose your way (your way
) It might drive you crazy but don't let it faze you no way (no way) 
Sometimes in my tears I drown (I drown) 
But I never let it get me down (get me down) 
So when negativity surrounds (surround)
I know some day it'll all turn around because... 
All my life I've been waiting
 for I've been praying for
 For the people to say 
That we don't wanna fight no more
 There will be no more wars 
And our children will play One day [x6] 
One day this all will change 
Treat people the same
 Stop with the violence 
Down with the hate One day we'll all be free 
And proud to be Under the same sun 
Singing songs of freedom like One day [x2] 
All my life I've been waiting for
 I've been praying for
 For the people to say
 That we don't wanna fight no more 
There will be no more warS 
 And our children will play
 One day

Senin, 01 April 2013

Hakikat sebuah cinta

Lalu tersentak diriku sedari lamunan, 
 kini sebenarny aku telah kau tinggalkan..
. Aku adalah insan yg tak punya, 
 kilauan emas permata... 
Lalu kucoba menaburi cinta,
 bagimu tiada nilainya...
 Tiada harta hanya

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Meskipun hal2 buruk telah terjadi diantara kita akhir2 ini.
Aku selalu bersyukur atas hadirnya kamu dalam hidupku selama 12 tahun terakhir.
 Aku bersyukur telah tumbuh menjadi lebih dewasa bersama kamu. Dewasa dalam iman, pekerjaan dan keluarga.
 Aku bersyukur atas hadiah yg tidak ternilai dari kamu, yaitu hadirnya 3 anak2 yg cantik dan ganteng. Anak2 yang pintar, sopan dan membahagiakan setiap moment dalam hidupku. Anak2 yang takut akan Tuhan, yg dalam beberapa situasi, aku malah belajar dari mereka.

Zhiva, saat ini aku sedang mendengarkan khotbah pendeta yg sedang membicarakan pandangan Kristen tentang perceraian.... Ironis sekali bagiku, krn ditempat yg sama 26 agustus 2000, pendeta Agus mengajarkan kita ttg pernikahan menurut kristen, kemudian diikuti oleh sumpah setia diantara kita berdua.

Malam ini, untuk pertama kalinya kita berada ditempat terpisah dan tanpa perayaan syukur bersama keluarga. Tp doaku selalu bersamamu.

Akupun telah belajar untuk mengenal keadaan. Rasa sesalku adalah bukan terhadap perceraian yg terjadi, tapi sikap bermusuhan yg tengah terjadi diantara kita.
Sampai kapan kita membiarkan hal ini terjadi terus?
Apakah ini adalah contoh yg terbaik yg kita bisa berikan kepada anak2 dan adik2 kita?
Dimana tanggung jawab kita sbg orang tua dan anak tertua dalam keluarga.

Jujur aku gak tau apa yg sedang terjadi dan bagaimanakah semua ini akan berakhir. Walaupun ego-ku berkata hal2 yg negative, tp hatiku tetap mencintaimu.

Good bye my lover, my friend. U had been the one for me.... (James Blunt)


Kebetulan aku teringat kesalahanku kpd kamu. Sewaktu kamu jemput aku dr singapore... Aku terlalu kasar sama kamu. Maaf ya.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-----Original Message-----
From: Christobs
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2012 14:32:47

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

anything Could Happent Stripped to the waist We fall into the river Cover your eyes So you don't know the secret I've been trying to hide We held our breath To see our names are written On the wreck of '86 That was the year I knew the panic was over Yes since we found out Since we found out That anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could After the war we said we'd fight together I guess we thought that's just what humans do Letting darkness grow As if we need its palette and we need its colour But now I've seen it through And now I know the truth That anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could Baby, I'll give you everything you need I'll give you everything you need, oh I'll give you everything you need But I don't think I need you Stripped to the waist We fall into the river Cover your eyes So you don't know the secret I've been trying to hide We held our breath To see our names are written On the wreck of '86 That was the year I knew the panic was over Yes since we found out Since we found out That anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could I know it's gonna be I know it's gonna be I know it's gonna be I know it's gonna be I know it's gonna be I know it's gonna be I know it's gonna be I know it's gonna be But I don't think I need you But I don't think I need you But I don't think I need you Send "Anything Could Happen" Ringtone to your Cell If you believe the Ellie Goulding Anything Could Happen lyrics are not correct you can correct them Anything could happen Anything could After the war we said we'd fight together I guess we thought that's just what humans do Letting darkness grow As if we need its palette and we need its colour But now I've seen it through And now I know the truth That anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could Baby, I'll give you everything you need I'll give you everything you need, oh I'll give you everything you need But I don't think I need you Stripped to the waist We fall into the river Cover your eyes So you don't know the secret I've been trying to hide We held our breath To see our names are written On the wreck of '86 That was the year I knew the panic was over Yes since we found out Since we found out That anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could happen Anything could I know it's gonna be I know it's gonna be I know it's gonna be I know it's gonna be I know it's gonna be I know it's gonna be I know it's gonna be I know it's gonna be But I don't think I need you But I don't think I need you But I don't think I need you